I’m writing to invite you into an exciting development in my life and the life of my burgeoning family. At the end of August I will begin a pastoral residency at a young but thriving Church in Midtown Memphis (Christ City Church). My work at CCC will be primarily in the areas of justice and creativity.
In the area of justice I will be working with our parishes (a form of community group) to help them determine and live out a common mission. Much of this will involve, but is not limited to, helping them meet neighbors, discover everyday acts of kindness and mercy towards each other and those affected by poverty and homelessness. Becky and I will also begin leading a new parish that we are prayerfully hoping will morph into a new intentional community! A part of what makes this exciting for us is that we spent several years pastoring a house church in our inner-city neighborhood Binghampton and we are grateful to have the opportunity to apply the wisdom and experience we gained in a larger and more formal church body.
In tandem with the work in the parishes is a plan I have written to begin to raise awareness of sweatshop-produced clothing and to organize group abstinence from buying such clothing while providing alternatives and working toward a more just and less consumerist Christian culture. Over the course of the year I plan to lay the foundations of this work but it will be a deliberately slow process. You can read about my proposal in another post on this blog!
In the area of Creativity I will be working to establish relationships with the large group of creatives and artists both in our congregation and the midtown area. The goal is to support them, help connect them to opportunities for grants, shows, and other resources as well as galvanizing them together as a group that can affect culture in our city for the glory of God.
Becky and I are very excited about the possibilities and challenges that this year will bring and we believe the Lord has orchestrated this time in our lives. We have also come to intimately understand that the Christian life is no solo act and that we are all laboring for the same Kingdom and the same goals.
It is with that heart that I am humbled and honored to ask for your support. Would you considering partnering with us by helping to support this mission through prayer and finances? We are raising $20,000 for this year. This will allow me to devote the time and energy to bring forth the ideas and plans that God has given us. The remainder of my income will be through my part-time employment with Focus 5 ( http://artsintegrationconsulting.com ). I’m hoping Becky, Benjamin and I can have our daily needs met as well as continue to be hospitable to neighbors and friends. We have lived below our means for many years and will continue to show discernment with any support we raise.
Would you consider contributing anywhere from $25 to $250 a month during this time? Of course if you want to give some other amount or make a one-time donation we would be very grateful however you feel led to contribute.
To make a donation please go to christcitymemphis.org/giving to make your tax-deductible donation. Be sure to designate your gift to the Justice Resident.
If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to email me at jaminzc@gmail.com, or you can visit the CCC website at http://www.christcitymemphis.org. I would love to talk to you about what God has been doing in our family’s life.
Grace and Peace,
Jamin Carter